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Initial Setup

If you’re creating a custom processor from scratch, we recommend following the Quickstart Guide. The quickstart guide provides a template processor and includes all of this setup.

If you’re migrating an existing processor to the Indexer SDK, follow the steps below.

The Indexer SDK provides several Rust crates:

  1. aptos-indexer-processor-sdk - The core SDK that provides the building blocks for writing a processor.
  2. aptos-indexer-processor-sdk-server-framework - A server framework for creating a server that runs the processor and includes health checks and metrics logging probes. If you’re setting up a server to host your processor, you will need to include this crate.
  3. aptos-indexer-testing-framework - An e2e testing framework for testing processors. If you want to write tests for your processor, you will need to include this crate.

Depending on your use case, you can import the crates to your Cargo.toml.

aptos-indexer-processor-sdk = { git = "", rev = "aptos-indexer-processor-sdk-v1.0.0" }
aptos-indexer-processor-sdk-server-framework = { git = "", rev = "aptos-indexer-processor-sdk-v1.0.0" }
aptos-indexer-testing-framework = { git = "", rev = "aptos-indexer-processor-sdk-v1.0.0" }